Jill Pietroburgo
Children's Book Author


Sometimes Grandma Calls Me Jean

How would you introduce the topic of dementia to a young child? Sometimes Grandma Calls Me Jean can help families facing this issue who have children in the age range of 3-10 years old. The story portrays a relationship between a young girl, Grace, and her grandmother, who has dementia. Each thoughtful illustration represents the passing of time and the changes that dementia brings. Despite dementia’s effects, Grace continues to demonstrate simple, but valuable, ways to interact with her grandmother and play an important role on her care team.
Supporting Children
At the end of the story, twenty detailed tips are provided to help parents/caregivers support children who have loved ones with dementia. These tips include:
Questions to ask that will encourage interaction with the story
Ways to build empathy for a loved one with dementia
How to talk with a child about his/her feelings
Activities to facilitate positive interactions between children and loved ones with dementia
Suggested Bible verses to memorize as sources of comfort
Valuable reminders for the parent/caregiver
The book also includes a “How Am I Feeling?” chart for children who may need visual support to express their emotions. Real pictures of Grandma Bonnie are also provided on the pages called “Grandma’s Photo Album.”
Honoring our Loved Ones
As the generations of families age, parents find themselves pulled toward the differing needs of their children and their elders. Parents in this stage of life are known as the “sandwich generation.” During this stage, parents model for their children how to care for loved ones dealing with the challenges of aging, including dementia. The actions of parents will exemplify attitudes of spite or grace, frustration or mercy, and suffering or hope. May the purchase of this book move both adults and children toward positive choices that honor our aging loved ones.
10% of the profits from this book provides assistance to others who have loved ones with dementia.

Meet Miss Bonnie
The song "See Me Beautiful"
is used by permission
by Red Grammer
Interviews and Podcasts

Seasons of Caring Podcast

Past StoryWalk Events
Please join me at any of the following events if I am in your area.